Zhakypbek Abzal Maulenuly was born on August 31, 1994 in Almaty. In 2012 he graduated from Almaty Gymnasium No. 130. In 2012, he received a state educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty "5B060900 - Geography", was admitted to the 1st year of the Faculty of Geography of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and in 2016 received the degree of "Bachelor of Natural Sciences". Also in 2016, he received a state educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management at the master's degree in the specialty "6M060900 - Geography", the direction of training: scientific and pedagogical. From July 1 to July 15, 2017, he passed a scientific internship at the University of Porto (Portugal). In 2019-2022, he completed his doctoral studies at Al-Farabi KazNU with a degree in pedagogical geography. Zhakypbek A.M. While studying at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, he actively participated in the activities of the faculty. Zhakypbek A.M. qualified specialist who has mastered his profession. He took an active part in many works of the department and faculty, organized events among students.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2016 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Geology |
State Exam in the Specialty |
State Exam in the Specialty |
прогр.ГЭК_050609-География БАКАЛАВРИАТ рус. 2020 |
GIS in Geographical Research |
Пространственная привязка карты |
GIS in Geographical Research |
1-2 Зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
3-4 Зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
5-6 зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
5-6 зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
7-8 зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
9 Зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
10-11 зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
12-13 зертханалық жұмыс |
GIS in Geographical Research |
14-15 Зерханалык жумыс |
Spatial Data Infrastructure |
ИПД силлабус 2024-2025 |
Organization of Land Management and Land Use Planning |
Картаобеспеченность_ОЗКР |
Local Land Use Planing |
Книгообеспеченность УЗ |
Economics of Land Using |
Карта обеспеченности |
Basics of Aerialphotography and Digital Mapping |
Силлабус 2023-2024 __рус Аэрофото и Цифров картогр |
Basics of Aerialphotography and Digital Mapping |
Аэротүсіріс және сандық картография негіздері_силл_жерге орналастыру_2022-2023_уч_год_new |
Geoinformation Technology in Land Management |
СИЛЛАБУС_Геоинформационные технологии в землеустройстве на 2023_2024 г |
Geoinformation Technology Cadastre |
СилласбусКадастрдағы ГАЖ |
Processing satellite images |
Ғарыштық суреттерді өңдеу_силл_кадастр_2022-2023_уч_год |
GIS Analyses |
ГИС_Силлабус_кадастр |
GIS Analyses |
ГИС анализ_силлабус_зем-во |
GIS Analyses |
Метод_Указ_ГИС анализ |
GIS Analyses |
Руководство_СРО_ГИС_анализ |
GIS Analyses |
Лекции 1-15 ГИС анализ |
GIS Analyses |
ПЭ_ГИС анализ_зем-во |
GIS Analyses |
ПЭ_ГИС анализ_Кадастр |
GIS Analyses |
ГИС анализ_Программа_экз_Кадастр |
GIS Analyses |
Силлабус (1) |
GIS Analyses |
Силлабус ГИС_Анализ_КАДАСТР |
GIS Analyses |
Силлабус ГИС_Анализ_ Землеустройство (1) |
GIS Analyses |
ГИС анализ_программа экз_зем-во |
Introduction to Geoinformatics |
Геоинформатика_силлабус_2022_каз |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
ДЗЗ_Силлабус |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
Методическое указание к лаб_ДЗЗ |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
Руководство_СРО_ДЗЗ |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
Краткий конспект лекций. ДЗЗ |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
ПЭ_ДЗЗ_география |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
Силлабус ДЗЗ_География (1) |
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Analysis |
ДЗЗ_Программа_экз |
Geography of Eurasia |
Силлабус География Евразии |
Geography of Africa |
Geography of Australia and Oceania |
Силлабус. Австралия и Океания |
Automated Systems in Land Management |
Силлабус_ЖОАЖЖ |
Automated Systems in Land Management |
Силлабус_ЖОАЖЖ |
Photogrammetry and aerospace image interpretation |
СИЛЛАБУС ФОТОГРАМ және аэроғарыштық суреттерді дешифрлеу |
Automated systems in Land use plenning |
Жерге орналастырудағы автоматтандырылған жобалау жүйелері cиллабус |
Physical geography of Kazakhstan |
ФГК_силлабус_2023_русс |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
ММГИ_силлабус |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
срс мат.методы |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
лекции мат.методы |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
ПЭ_ММГИ_География |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
Силлабус ММГИ_ География (1) |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
ММГИ_Программа_экзpdf |
Math Methods in Geographic Research |
ММГИ_Программа_экзамена |
Automated Information System of the State land cadastre |
Силлабус |
Digital mapping in cadastre |
Цифровое картографирование в кадастре силлабус на 2024-2025 г fin |
Digital mapping in cadastre |
2024-2025 Кадастрдағы сандық картографиялау силлабусы fin |
Digital processing of aerospace images |
Digital processing of aerospace images |
Цифровая обработка аэрокосмоснимков |
Digital processing of aerospace images |
Тезисы лекций 1-15 |
Digital processing of aerospace images |
Силлабус Рус Цифровая обработка аэрокосмо снимков |